KLS Heating

Fast but even

Many materials (especially tires!) To be heated, have at the same time a poor thermal conductivity. Conversely, this means that the heat is not distributed in the component, but must already be introduced evenly to achieve the desired result. KLS has the solution for this in the form of extremely uniform heating technologies.



These thermographic representations of other makes best illustrate the problem of other heating techniques. The dark colored lines indicate local overheating. The light gray areas indicate a temperature of approx. 80-85 ° C.

at KLS heated tires are no local overheating present and it is a uniform gray color (~ 85 ° C) recognizable.

KLS solution

KLS heater 2.0

The image of the KLS-heated tire shows no thermal hot spots as with other heating systems. Both our patented carbon fiber heating technology and our alternative heating systems deliver the heat very quickly, but also extremely evenly. This is the gentlest method of warming for the tire compound, which is rewarded with maximum grip on the track. In our opinion, unsuitable technologies (see above) mean that the tire mixture loses valuable grip and durability during the heating process.

Not only can we do it quickly and evenly, we can also do it for a long time! In addition to the advantages mentioned above, our technology is also characterized by its enormous load capacity and service life.

Tire warmers


Die KLS-Heiztechnologie im Detail

Thermal imaging of a Formula 1 heated with KLS heating technology Tires (rear)

Das entscheidende Kriterium unserer Heiztechnologien ist die sehr enge bzw. fast flächige Struktur unserer Heizelemente. Nur so kann mit hoher spezifischer Heizleistung die Wärme sehr schnell aber  dennoch schonend und ohne lokale Überhitzungen (hotspots) eingebracht werden. Mit einer Infrarotkamera lässt sich die Gleichmässigkeit der Temperaturverteilung sehr schön abbilden.

(Bilder einbauen des KohlefasergewebesBilder Z06_1180 bzw 1181)

Weiters noch Infrarotbilder Motorrad)

advantages the KLS Heiztechnologien

Hohe spezifische Heizleistungen möglich für kürzeste Aufheizzeiten

Extrem gleichmässig Wärmeverteilung

Präzise und reproduzierbare Temperaturwerte

Hohe thermische und mechanische Belastbarkeit

Lange Lebensdauer und entsprechende Zuverlässigkeit im Betrieb

Hochwertigste Materialien aus deutscher Produktion